Congratulations to Ethan for gaining a Merit, in his grade 4 drum exam.

Ethan is a student at BMS and also took part in the Rock Star Project.

The Rock Star Project, is due to re-start this February.

If you are wanting to do something different, why not give it a try?


Our over 55 well-being groups, are proving to be very popular.

We are hoping to set up additional classes, during the day time (day to be confirmed).

If you are interested in either the acoustic guitar or ukulele, please just give us a call – 01253 695398 or

We are now taking names – cost currently £24.00 pcm, during term time.

Maximum of 6 students, per class.



Date as posted


Hello,                                       ‘DO YOU WANT TO BE A ROCK STAR’

We are Blackpool Music School, a small charity run music school with a big passion for music.

We have an exciting project starting on Saturday the 22nd February 2020, at 12.30 pm. The Rock Star project has been put in place to hopefully, ignite young teenagers’ interest in music.  We are targeting the 12 to 16-year-old age range. The students can choose from keyboard, drums, guitar and even vocals. Project is held on a Saturday afternoon for approximately one and a half hours and is open to all teenagers. This is planned to be a fun event and at the end of the course, the group will come together to give a music performance.

Students of all abilities are welcome to apply, so even if they have never picked up a guitar or held a drumstick but are serious about learning an instrument, then get in touch.

This project is part funded, allowing us to offer new members, a place for just £5.00 per week; payments are to be paid one month in advance, by STO.  We have limited places available for a maximum of 20 students.  Project will run, as long as funding is available.

We are expecting an enthusiastic response to this project, so to ensure you can secure a place, please call us at your earliest convenience.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01253 695398 or via email –


We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,

John Shaw – Founder







Happy New Year, to all our students and staff.