Become a BMS Member!

Memberships include 40 lessons a year (1/week during term dates), billed monthly.

One-To-One Lessons£52 pcm
Electric Guitar Group Lessons£40 pcm
Electric Drum Group Lessons£52 pcm
Other Group Lessons£46 pcm
Aerophone Go Breathing Project£40 pcm
One-Off Taster Session£13


Standing Order

Please set-up your standing order for the correct amount to the following bank account.
It must enter Blackpool Music School's account on the 11th of each month.
To ensure we can credit the money you transfer to your membership, the transfer reference/memo must include "membership".
Sort Code40-12-13
Account Number72038196

Pay Online

We accept online payments via card or PayPal.
Pay Another Bill

Enrollment Form